At Wear This One we hope you will have fun getting fashion advice on what to wear to all those occasions in life where you want to look your best. Let our community of stylists help you decide which outfit will make the right fashion statement for you. You can also just enjoy discovering new trends and styles in our gallery of today’s best fashions. We hope you can easily navigate around our website so you can start enjoying everything Wear This One has to offer you. To help you get started we will do our best to explain how all of this works. Good luck, enjoy and please contact us with any questions,
There are three main activities you can do at Wear This One: Vote Now , +Style Me and Inspire Me.
Do your friends and family often come to you asking you what they should wear? Do you find yourself complimenting someone’s style or the outfit they have on? Do you have a talent for knowing what outfit looks great on someone else? Well, gather up your fashionista skills and help members decide what to wear, and feel free to offer constructive, encouraging comments (please no bullying or mean thoughts). When you click on Vote Now you can select what to vote on by the following:
Most Recent: If you like to check in with us frequently to offer your advice, you can simply see the latest posts and provide up to the minute thoughts for our members.
Needs Your Vote Now: These posts are more urgent and require your votes within a specific time so our members appreciate you voting on these ASAP!
Casting Your Vote: For each of the above vote categories you may click on any of the thumbnails to place your vote. When you click on a box of thumbnails, each of the images up for vote will appear larger in a row for you to compare. If you want to see all pictures up for vote larger, zoom in to enlarge the image by clicking on the photo, scroll through the images to compare and decide, then click back to cast your vote. Vote on your favorite outfit by clicking the hanger in the middle of the picture. You may only vote once for each vote post. A message will appear at the top stating you have successfully cast your vote. Our users thank you for helping them select their winning look.
Archives: Although you can no longer vote on these posts, relax and enjoy viewing all the older posts, see which looks won and get ideas from all the winning looks. You can also find posts you previously voted on and see if the image you voted for won.
Help, do you have no idea what to wear? You have come to the right place as we are all here to help you decide what will look best on you. When you click on +Style Me , a page will appear where you can upload up to 4 pictures of yourself in different outfits, or if you prefer, just pictures of the outfits without you wearing them, and simply complete the information about your posting. You are required to provide a post title, category, occasion and last date you want it posted. We would love to know more about your post so please take the time and let us know about your event, the store, brand, color, style, price and any other information so our community of voters can help make good decisions as well as let other users know where to get your fabulous finds!
To add your first photo, after completing the photo prompt information, click upload photo and select your picture from your files. Click the add image button and you will see your first post. To add up to 4 images continue clicking add photo, complete and upload photo and then click add image. After you have uploaded all your outfits, click the Style Me Now button at the bottom of page and your post is ready for our members to tell you what to wear, it’s that easy!
Browse: This is where you can discover our complete gallery of looks. You can search all images that were posted for votes and see all the winning looks which are identified with a gold frame, or simply have fun looking at all the latest trends and designs in today’s fashion world that our members have contributed. Your choice is to casually browse through all the pictures or narrow your search for specific occasions, clothing type, style, or use the advanced search for brand, store, or vote winners. Don’t forgot to click Detail at the bottom of every photo soyou can see more information about the outfit and the user. Enjoy viewing all the possibilities.
Upload Photo: Here is your chance to upload any fashion look you want. If you want your family and friends, or our complete world of users, to see your new, gorgeous homecoming dress then submit your beautiful picture of you wearing it in this area so we can all see it! Simply click on Upload Photo in the banner, complete the photo prompt information and upload your image from your files. When you are ready click add image at the bottom and your look is ready for all of us to admire.
Use this section of Wear This One to help other users by adding pictures of outfits you feel are trendy and appropriate for any occasion you can think of. It will be fun to see all the latest looks that you bring to us each day. And please, someone tell us what is appropriate for that business casual event!
My Profile: This is where your friends and other members can discover more about you and your fashion style. Under My Profile other users or just friends can see your current vote posts as well as any uploaded photos you have added to our Inspire Me gallery. They can also see your favorites, collections, followers and who you are following. If you choose to hide your profile you may select hide your account under settings. When you click on the avatar or name of a member, you may see their profile as well unless kept private.
Settings: When you register with us you will be given a chance to create your own personal profile. Please take the time to complete your profile so that other members can know more about you and your fashion style. You will have the choice to keep your profile public or if you decide, limit your profile information to just your friends or keep your information hidden. You will also be able to complete your settings, add an avatar, change your password and manage your account under Settings. At Wear This One we want you to meet and find new members to follow as well as invite all your friends and family. We suggest you use our links to various social media sites to easily share this site with your friends.
My Looks: In this section of Wear This One you can review all of your own personal looks. Style Me Posts: This is where you can view all of your active posts that are receiving votes and all of your archived posts that already show your winning votes. My Looks becomes a handy place to keep pictures of outfits you have already worn so you won’t wonder, What did I wear to last year’s company party? Uploaded Photos : This area keeps all your images that you have uploaded for our Inspire Me image gallery.
My Favorites: As you scroll through our Inspire Me gallery of looks you can favorite the ones you like by clicking on the hanger in the middle of the photo which will then add these to your Favorites for you to return to and look at.
My Collections: As you collect all your Favorites you can decide to organize them into your own Collections. You may have as many collections as you want and a place to keep all your inspired looks for various occasions. So next time you see a dress that would be perfect for your next vacation, add it to your vacation collection!
Find Friends: We encourage you to find friends and follow other fashionistas who have a similar fashion sense as yours. You can see what new styles they are discovering and find great outfits for yourself. It is aways fun to see who is following us so this is where you can see all the members who think you have fashion skills worth following! Who knows what friendships may start right here!
If you have further questions about how all of this works look at our Help/FAQ page or please contact us with any concerns at .