Mission: Wear This One was created to help members gain confidence and look their best with unbiased fashion advice from our global community.

About Us

Do you find yourself always wondering what to wear? Do you like asking your friends and family their advice on which outfit is best for that special occasion? Not sure what “business casual” really means? Which tie makes the suit? And the shoes, oh the shoes! Well you have come to the right place. Wear This One was created for members to upload pictures of themselves in different outfits and then have our global community vote and decide which look is best for you. You will get a world of fashion advice from our users so you can walk out your door looking and feeling confident. Maybe you simply want to stop by and get inspired by our latest trends or view real people wearing their winning looks. At Wear This One, we want this to be your website, so add your pictures and join our fashion community.


Recently I was invited to nine weddings, including two that were for my own daughters and two for my dear neighbor’s children. “What on earth should I wear?” to all of these weddings, rehearsal dinners, showers was a question I was constantly asking everyone. I began begging unsuspecting neighbors to drop by to vote on which dress I should wear. I accelerated my quest for the perfect outfit by sending endless picture messages to family and friends, anxiously waiting for them to tell me their favorites. When I started showing pictures to my local grocer, I knew I needed a website that could help myself and others who share these clothing conundrums!



Finally it occurred to me that there should be an easy place to go online where all of us fashion conscious people could get and give good, unbiased advice to others looking in their closet wondering what to wear. This could apply to any occasion, from what to wear on a first date to that all important first interview. My friends and family embraced this project, possibly just to stop my endless stream of photos on their phones, and encouraged me to develop a website where anyone can upload pictures of different outfits and then have members vote on their favorite look. Not only do I hope this helps you decide what to wear, but gives you a chance to see our users in outfits you may want to try for yourself.

I warmly welcome you to browse our gallery of styles, have fun voting on your favorites and finally have your own world of personal stylists help you decide to Wear This One!

Laura Bettinger
Founder and User of Wear This One